Pictures of My Drums

Four swiss drums

My four drums T1 (wood), T2 (aluminum), T3 (wood with tensioning screws), and T4 (carbon)

Brown wood drum

T1: Brown wood drum, batter head view

Brown wood drum

T1, snare strainer view

Brown wood drum

T1, snare head view

Basel drum

T2: Basel drum, aluminum, batter head view

Basel drum

T2, snare strainer view

Basel drum

T2, snare head view

Black wood drum

T3: Black wood drum with tensioning screws, snare strainer view

Black wood drum

T3, snare head view

Carbon drum

T4: Carbon drum, snare strainer view

Carbon drum

T4, snare head view

Tambour d'ordonnance suisse de 1914

T5, Swiss Army Drum from 1914, batter head vew

Tambour d'ordonnance suisse de 1914

T5, snare head view

Tambour d'ordonnance suisse de 1914

T5, snare strainer view

A drummer practicing in the woods

A drummer practicing in the woods on a gray winter day

“The computer world has a language all its own, just like Hungary, the difference being that if you hang around with Hungarians long enough, you eventually start to understand what they’re talking about, whereas the language used in the computer world is specifically designed to prevent this from happening.” (Dave Barry, 1947-)


Society of International Rudimental Drummers
Since 2018

Schwertfeger Trommelbau
30+ Jahre im Fokus der Tambouren

"Mein Trommelbauer"